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Please help expedite Forests in Title 1 Schools, whos expired black tops exacerbate root causes to many intersectional priorities including but not limited to mental and physical health for youth, and elders; SDUSD is lagging and needs multi-sector collaboration to brigde gaps.
I think that "build out more public transportation" should be another framework. Like having more trolley lines and buses that are in Europe. I can only get around San Diego by car because public transportation takes too long. Driving an electric vehicle is not it. I drive a plug in hybrid and I live in an apartment. There are no ev chargers here and it takes over 2 hours to get 25 miles of ev range at a level 2 charger. I was going to get a Tesla but I would have to charge it every other day and supercharger costs are roughly the same compared the price of gas.
Orphan text noted and to be deleted.
Compensating farmers for conversion to climate-smart methods and training smallholder farmers in regenerative methods is a positive for climate AND equity - especially farmworker health. Regenerative farms can be several degrees cooler due to more moisture in the soil and more plant cover. Reduced chemical exposure is good for workers and good for biodiversity and soil carbon. Regenerative farms are more resilient to extreme climate, which improves income security in farm communities. And they produce healthier food.
If the RDF Playbook is overly invested in carbon, at the expense of biodiversity, water availability etc., climate resilience, etc., then it will have missed the mark. There is no point in decarbonizing if there aren't livable communities at the end. Decarbonizing is critical to slow warming, but it won't reverse the desertification and degradation that are feeding our disaster cycles. Instead please consider weighted scoring or otherwise prioritizing climate solutions that support life.
Natural climate solutions play an outsized role in local climate cooling regardless of carbon accounting. They often also have positive benefits for climate resilience including flood prevention, drought mitigation, fire mitigation, water security, food security, and the physical health of our communities. And they support biodiversity. Ecosystem restoration and preservation should get enhanced consideration due to these numerous co-benefits. Carbon solutions that double as climate resilience measures should be prioritized!